Author: ACME Locksmith

  • Do Smart Locks Need WIFI?

    Do Smart Locks Need WIFI?

    Can I use a smart lock when there’s no WIFI? | What happens when the internet goes out? | Will smart locks work when the power goes out? Can I Use a Smart Lock Without a WIFI Connection You can use a smart lock without having WIFI or internet access. However, without an internet connection…

  • Do Smart Locks Need Power

    Do Smart Locks Need Power

    Smart locks need power in order to operate fully and completely. There are two situations where a smart lock may lose power. Will a Smart Lock Work When Batteries Die? Will a Smart Lock Work When the House Loses Power? How to Open a Door When the Smart Lock Batteries Are Dead Open With Mechanic…

  • Sliding Door Smart Locks – A Locksmith’s Guide

    Sliding Door Smart Locks – A Locksmith’s Guide

    It seems like smart locks are being installed everywhere, but sliding glass door smart locks haven’t had any true, viable solutions….until now. For manufactured homeowners in particular, the sliding patio doors can be the main entry for the home. Welcome to our guide to smart locks for sliding doors! In this article, we’ll look at…

  • The Difference Between Panic Bars, Crash Bars and Push Bars

    The Difference Between Panic Bars, Crash Bars and Push Bars

    What’s in a name? When it comes to exit devices, there is a lot of confusion. There is no difference between a panic bar, crash bar, and push bar. The terms can be used interchangeably. You can also use “exit bar.” Panic bar, crash bar, exit bar, and push bar all describe the same door…

  • Best High Security Padlocks – Locksmith Recommended

    Best High Security Padlocks – Locksmith Recommended

    Recommended Padlocks | What Makes a Padlock High-Security? | Detailed Padlock Reviews | Padlock Security Ratings As part of our high-security lock solutions, ACME Locksmith provides, and ships, high-security padlocks designed for multiple applications. Storage units, storage yards, bay doors, etc… can all be better protected using high-security padlocks. Contact Us Here. Key Points: Searching…

  • Door Barricade Devices & Recommendations

    Door Barricade Devices & Recommendations

    The Best Door Security Devices | Types of Door Barricades | Our Evaluation Criteria | Detailed Product Reviews Standard home locks don’t make your door safe from a would-be intruder. You can secure a front door from the inside by using door barricade devices (or door braces). These devices secure entry doors that open inward…

  • How Does a Door Closer Work

    How Does a Door Closer Work

    Door closers work by balancing two forces. The first force is a spring, which wants to pull the door back into a closed position. The second force is hydraulic fluid. It is used to dampen the motion of the spring to prevent slamming. Refer to our article: How to Adjust a Door Closer if you’d…

  • When to Replace a Door Closer

    When to Replace a Door Closer

    When your commercial door has started to slam or close too quickly, a quick inspection that reveals the door closer is leaking oil immediately tells you that the closer needs to be replaced. It is important to replace failed door control devices as quickly as possible so that you can remain in code compliance and…

  • Replace Car Keys by VIN Online

    Replace Car Keys by VIN Online

    To order a key by VIN, fill out the purchase form below after reading this article. How to Replace Lost Car Keys Making keys is one of the services automotive locksmiths and car dealers can provide. ACME Locksmith of Phoenix can make car keys by VIN and mail them to you. If the key needs programming,…

  • Gate Locks for Chain Link Fences

    Gate Locks for Chain Link Fences

    Why Chain Link Gates are Hard to Lock | Padlocks, Latches & Chains | MagnaLatch Chain Link Gate Adapter Kit | Keyless Locks for Chain Link Gates The Issues Locking Chain Link Gates Chain link fences can be the most difficult to lock. Locking Options for Chain Link Fence Gates Chain and Combination Padlock This…